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  • Jaime Muñoz

    Jaime Muñoz incorporates elaborate geometric borders into his paintings. When we had a chance to frame this print of his, we wanted to carve a pattern that Jaime has used in a number of paintings. You probably remember learning to draw it in the margins of your middle school notebook. The symbol appears in photographs of LA & NY graffiti dating back to the ‘70s and appears in a Basquiat drawing from 1982, where it is labeled the “classic S of graf.” We carved the classic s of graf into a 1/4 raised panel on the side of this sapele frame. Because the original moulding had a 3/4” face, cutting the dados for this raised panel created a slimmer 1/2” face on the frame, which is much more in scale with this mid-size print and serendipitously created a handsome profile which we continue to use without any carving at all.